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29 CHF

Quest and investigations in a world made up of five kingdoms and a learning citadel, in the city of Unissum, managed by the Magistris representing the Goddesses.

It is the heroic journey of five women chosen, in spite of themselves, to eradicate evil and save their world. They will create a unit that will travel to the farthest lands, visit the kingdoms and share with the people the knowledge and customs that will help them to understand who Sha'Doe is.

Sha'Doe, once "Master of the kingdoms", undisputed but questionable sovereign, violent and manipulative, transformed by the Goddesses into a shadow, banished to the flat lands, is back, ready to do anything to find the "Object of Power" in order to reconquer the kingdoms.

Throughout the quest, we will come across truculent characters, Coucou Golov, Venemia, other endearing characters, Zel, Oliven, the Magestri Doyen Leos, Lior Eden as well as the Councillors and Elders.

On the back of brava or biel, but also on board of dynamettes or tortillard, you will cross immense expanses, giant arboreal forests, icy, inaccessible ridges where the Megalünix, that giant sloth, reigns as absolute protector in front of the cave of secrets.

The Chosen Ones, each one endowed with a strong temperament and different qualities will make them extraordinary characters.

Deceptive appearances, unexpected twists and turns ... Vigilance remains the order of the day. Evil is not always where you think you'll find it.

Paperback novel
Format: 13 X 20 cm
Number of pages: 502
Original colour illustrations: 11